Our mission is simple

Team LMio Foundation helps student athletes succeed in education and sports through training, cultural dialogue and social opportunities


We believe all student athletes can succeed at their goals plus have a better life experience with the proper support.

Athletes to Authors

Our “Athletes to Authors” program helps student athletes on high school track teams by giving them free track shoes in exchange for their essay on historic minority figures & accomplishments. The essays are compiled into books to help the school team fundraise. The schools participate in an annual relay invitational track meet.  

All three photos by Greg Smotherman  @smothermanimages

How It Began

During the pandemic, L’Mio Edwards ran a 5k each day for a month to raise funds for feeding people that couldn’t get groceries due to Covid. L’Mio raised over $10,000 for the program she called 5KaDay4Food.

L’Mio partnered with a nonprofit, New Earth Life, to distribute the food partially purchased by her running ability. In some cases, L’Mio hand delivered food to doorsteps of Covid infected people. L’Mio received a U.S. Congressional Certificate for Humanitarian Service at age 14 for her effort.

Later in High School, L’Mio noticed students at several competitions couldn’t afford track shoes. L’Mio created the program Athletes to Authors to give student athletes the shoes they needed while helping with education.  L’Mio co-founded Team L’Mio Foundation to keep the program on mission.

Team LMio Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

All Student Athletes Can Succeed

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112 Harvard Ave 508, Claremont, CA 91711
